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Personalized Tax Document Checklist

Use this checklist to learn what you specifically need to have on hand when you file your taxes. Select the options that apply to you and get your personalized required docs that you'll need.

Click on the options that apply to you in each category...

Personal Information

I'm Married

I'm Single


Dependents Information

Childcare information

Income and Expenses (Include Spouse's if Married)

I have a W2 job

I'm Unemployed

Other Income/Expenses

I'm Self-Employed

I received income from a Partnership, S-Corp or Trust

I own rental property, AirBnB

I paid estimated tax payments

Investment and Savings

I had or sold Investments

Retirement and Social Security Income

I retired/received retirement income

Less Common Income

I sold my home

I had HSA/MSA income

I received Alimony

I had canceled debt

I had gambling winnings

Education Expenses

I attended college

I paid college tuition for a dependent

Itemized Deductions

I own a home

I experienced a federally declared disaster

I purchased a vehicle

I donated to charity

I had out of pocket medical or dental expenses

Adjustments to Income

I paid my own student loan or for my dependent

I contributed to an IRA

I was a teacher

I contributed to my HSA/MSA

I moved

I paid alimony (Only divorces and separation agreements before January 1, 2019)

Other Deductions and Credits

I had bad debt

I made a green purchase

I purchased Marketplace Insurance/CoveredCA


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